Killmaster Nick Carter hunts for a secret Chinese base in the Arctic, with a sexy Russian spy (there never seems to be any homely ones) as a lover and rival, in Ice Bomb Zero.
Ice Bomb Zero is part of a casual re-read I have been doing of this long-running series, which I consumed voraciously as a teen. I picked this one by George Snyder, as he seems to be one of the pseudonymous authors favored by other readers. Snyder had a long career as a scribe of burly men's adventure and, late in life, westerns.
This is a perfectly agreeable but unremarkable spy outing from the early 70s, with race and sexual relations not portrayed in a particularly nuanced way, as one might suspect. The finale in the underground base unravels quickly at sort of a mid-range Roger Moore level.
The closeness in title to the popular Alistair MacLean novel Ice Station Zebra doesn't pass without notice.
I liked George Snyder's take on Nick Carter perfectly fine and would seek out another of his books.
I got this in a big lot of Nick Carters and read quickly.