A deep-space ship on an expedition to a far-off planet, with a crew of humans and robots, gathers alien objects from the planet's surface and begin interacting with them, for good and for ill, in Olga Ravn's The Employees.
What could be a plot lifted from lantern-jawed 40s pulp is given a unique spin by Danish author Ravn, who presents the story in a elliptical way through memos, interviews, and other documents being transmitted among colleagues on the ship. It's like a version of The Office as told by The Strugatsky Brothers. If that resonates with you, this is your jam.
The Employees is a slender read, but really full of ideas for anyone who spends the time reading it carefully. I've thought about it a lot since and have recommended it to several people who enjoy mind-bending science fiction.
I checked this out from the Morrisson-Reeves Public Library in Richmond, Indiana and read it quickly.
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